Dear Tucker Carlson: arepas are not pancakes

The headline in the conservative blog The Daily Caller? “We could eat socialist arepas together…”

In case you’re wondering about this, on his trip back from a NATO summit in Portugal, Barack Obama joked around with reporters in the Press Corps – at least we hope he was joking – saying he could ask Air Force One to veer toward Caracas for a meeting with Chávez. Reporters dutifully tweeted about it.

Instead of calling him “a great disappointment” once again, Chávez responded in kind by wetting his panties as he typically does any time Obama winks his way, asking … no, begging the head of the Evil Empire to come down to Caracas and share some arepas. He also suggested he could drop by the White House, saying he could probably land in the White House’s “secret landing strip,” adding: “I could do it. My plane is really small.”

I’ve lost track of all the ways this whole thing is offensive, unimportant, and borderline ridiculous. In other words, a perfect story for America’s shallow media. Other conservative outlets are going to town with it.

But the most offensive part? The Daily Caller saying that arepas are “a corn-based pancake…”

Pass the maple syrup.