Et tu...Pablo?!!

Sorry for the lull in posting. Life happens, this week in the form of moving house: always a harrowing ordeal. (Juan, on his end, had some lame excuse about “having three children and a life” or some such…)

For now, I’ll leave you with a few questions I’m genuinely puzzled by. How do you make sense of the decision to run for president by a guy like Pablo Medina? Does he really think making an ass of himself on his way to a 0.3% showing in the Oppo primary is going to help his standing? Is announcing a presidential run a reasonable strategy to re-establish his (long-since extinguished) relevance?

I really struggle to grasp the no-hopers’ thinking. Can’t they see that a strategic endorsement does more for their careers than a buffoonish, ballot-paper cluttering candidacy? Can there really be quite this many narcissists in public life?