#20J: The Nationwide Strike Recap
For 24 hours yesterday, Venezuela came to a standstill during the Paro Cívico Nacional, amid repression and mass detentions. Here's a recap of the day outside the capital.

Yesterday’s Paro Cívico Nacional ended at 6:00am this morning, and was anything but uneventful.
The National Prosecutor’s Office reports 2 dead in Miranda State: Ronney Eloy Tejera Soler, 24, and Eury Rafael Hurtado, 34, both dead from gunshot wounds in Los Teques; 1 dead in Carabobo State: José Uzcátegui Ávila, 23, reportedly form a gunshot wound, and 2 dead in Zulia State: Víctor Márquez, 34, in a fire at the Housing Ministry offices and a 15-year-old from gunshot wounds; as well as 261 protesters detained.

Source: Foro Penal
In Caracas, streets were empty save for protesters manning their barricades, and nighttime repression in western- and easternmost parts of the city (Palo Verde, Coche, El Valle, El Paraiso) kept citizens in panic until early hours of Friday.
¡ÚLTIMA HORA! Represión en Coche: Atacan residencias y disparan contra manifestantes https://t.co/a68TOxegVM pic.twitter.com/N92eAXyJcK
— El Diario #QuédateEnCasa (@eldiario) July 21, 2017
Maduro did his best to report streets teeming with workers and booming businesses (never mind that traffic in Av. Baralt at that hour is usually nightmarish).
El Gobierno Bolivariano junto al pueblo, derrotando con Trabajo y compromiso patriota a los enemigos de Venezuela pic.twitter.com/rt2E9WDcDJ
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) July 20, 2017
Protests started early in Maracay in the Base Aragua neighborhood, located next to the state and local government buildings and one of the city’s usual protest spots. Neighbors started banging on pots and pans as early as 4 a.m.
Soon, they were assaulted by armed groups with at least one person wounded.
Reporta @CarmenPecorelli desde Base Aragua, #Maracay #20DeJulio #ParoCivico pic.twitter.com/uLny7ClFzt
— Te Lo Cuento News (@TeLoCuentoNews) July 20, 2017
#20Jul Desde 4 camionetas blancas disparan contra manifestantes q protestaban en Urb #BaseAragua #Maracay 4:30am. fotos @JoseIgnacioMore pic.twitter.com/7b4gisKlFP
— Gregoria Díaz (@churuguara) July 20, 2017
— Carmen E. Pecorelli (@CarmenPecorelli) July 20, 2017
But later on, protesters started to congregate and it didn’t take long for the National Guard to charge in all their repressive glory.
#BASEARAGUA VIDEO : CORTESÍA pic.twitter.com/d0dUyaKVma
— Carmen E. Pecorelli (@CarmenPecorelli) July 20, 2017
#Maracay Reportan represión en Base Aragua, GNB lanza lacrimógenas a los edificios de la zona 12:36 am #20jul vía @hjroselba pic.twitter.com/bm5YGMLthQ
— Carlos Arana Sánchez (@CarlosAranaSan) July 20, 2017
Across town, main roads and avenues were empty with National Assembly deputy Melva Paredes reporting 94% of local businesses not opening yesterday. Most notably, Avenida Bolívar —the city’s main venue—, Avenida Fuerzas Aéreas, —which connects the south side of the city to Avenida Bolívar— and Avenida Bermúdez, the south side’s main commercial venue.
Some barricades set up by protesters were removed by GNB.
AV . BOLÍVAR #MARACAY #ARAGUA 9AM @victoria1039fm pic.twitter.com/P1y078q2oa
— Carmen E. Pecorelli (@CarmenPecorelli) July 20, 2017
Besides Base Aragua, another residential area that has faced commotion is Urbanización del Centro and Las Acacias, each one bordering Avenida Bermúdez and Fuerzas Aéreas, respectively. This video shows the military retreating after being chased by neighbors of the community.
#20Jul Asi hicieron correr a la #GNB en #Maracay urb el centro pic.twitter.com/2hsXIX1mdT – @sosodef2029rb https://t.co/Mhhv6xh67h …
— Informaciòn Veraz (@GarciaAnonimo) July 20, 2017
There were reports that some protesters were detained by the National Guard in Las Acacias as well and in the nearby town of La Victoria.
#20Jul 7 detenidos en #Aragua durante #ParoCivicoActivo :4 en #Fundacagua, incluye 1 menor d edad y 3 en #LasAcacias d #Maracay @CronicaUno
— Gregoria Díaz (@churuguara) July 20, 2017
Conflict escalated in the afternoon at the UCV campus of agronomy and veterinary studies, located on the western part of the city. Witnesses report that members of armed groups (colectivos) and the National Guard disrupted the installations, detaining four people and wounding one.
Denuncian allanamiento de la PNB en la UCV de Maracay (+Fotos) https://t.co/LlvDerelxr pic.twitter.com/7KLIDC0dS0
— 2001online (@2001OnLine) July 20, 2017
#20jul Allanada autonomía universitaria de la #UCV #Maracay por #GNB y #PNB y colectivos.Reportan 4 detenidos y 1 herido @CronicaUno
— Gregoria Díaz (@churuguara) July 20, 2017
Elsewhere, main transit lines remained empty, regardless of whether they were barricaded or not.
#20Jul Así está la Av Casanova Godoy cruce con Delicias #Maracay #ParoCivicoActivo 5:20pm pic.twitter.com/zJkE1QAR2t
— Amira Muci (@amiramucic) July 20, 2017
#20Jul Sin actividad comercial #ParoCivicoActivo Av Bolívar de #Maracay 5:30pm pic.twitter.com/xQAq0XM8hj
— Amira Muci (@amiramucic) July 20, 2017
#20Jul Av Universidad El Limón #ParoCivicoActivo pic.twitter.com/8QgEd5IPP3
— Amira Muci (@amiramucic) July 20, 2017
Valencianos reported empty streets, no public transportation, and very little traffic from early hours of the day:
Big Low (main bus terminal), 9:30 a.m.
Autopista del Este (our Francisco Fajardo), at 10:30 a.m. looked like it was New Year’s day:
The governor of Carabobo had a different version of yesterday’s events, and took to twitter to convince us that Valencianos had gone out to work en masse (when the pictures are actually of long lines outside a bank).
A esta hora en el centro de Valencia. El paro fracasó! El Pueblo quiere trabajar, no se cala imposiciones de los "hora cero boys" pic.twitter.com/Oj6OwyWgjt
— Francisco Ameliach (@AmeliachPSUV) July 20, 2017
Later in the day, repression in La Isabelica community claimed the life of 23 year-old Andrés Uzcátegui from a gunshot wound, and 6 more were wounded, 2 in critical condition.
Puerto Ordaz
Repression in Puerto Ordaz, started early. In Mangokistán, National Guardsmen arrived at 5:00 am shooting tear gas canisters and removing barricades.
#20Julio #ParoCívicoActivo En Los Mangos de Puerto Ordaz la GN se llevó detenido a un estudiante de la UNEG. Video: Cortesía pic.twitter.com/EZuOmOm4Ns
— CaraotaDigital (@CaraotaDigital) July 20, 2017
#20Jul EN VIDEO: #LosMangos ZONA DE CONFLICTO represión de la GNB + Allanamiento ¡Abajo Cadenas! pic.twitter.com/fXJyjyPM9R
— Ivan Yañez 🏡 #QuedateEnCasa (@IvanYaz) July 20, 2017
The neighbors tried to defend themselves but the guards got inside the buildings. There was at least two detained, Carlos Andrés Requena, a professor from the UGMA university, who was passing nearby, and Cesar López, one of the protesters.
9:15 am: Efectivos de la GN intentaron entrar a Los Mangos con sus tanquetas pero los vecinos se plantaron #pzo
(vía @MarcosDavidV) pic.twitter.com/xWxMlQrvjh— Correo del Caroní (@CorreodelCaroni) July 20, 2017
In Villa Latina, a housing development close to Los Mangos, the guards entered destroying the gates with their tanquetas.
#20Jul #GNB irrumpe nuevamente en zonas residenciales de #Guayana en la Comunidad de Villa Latina #LosOlivos ¡Abajo Cadenas! pic.twitter.com/g5t0KE0RkV
— Ivan Yañez 🏡 #QuedateEnCasa (@IvanYaz) July 20, 2017
#20Jul 11:40 am / Puerto Ordaz en #ParoCivicoActivo / Av Guarapiche #Guayana pic.twitter.com/YVSiRjO2dZ
— Watcher (@Watcher_Ven) July 20, 2017
#20Jul Reportan #GNB rompe y arrastra portón de la Residencia de Villa Latina Av. Atlántico pic.twitter.com/BR3g28NCPM
— Ivan Yañez 🏡 #QuedateEnCasa (@IvanYaz) July 20, 2017
The city was partially paralyzed, with some businesses not being able to open, as the workers didn’t show up to work.
#Pzo #20 En Alta Vista el #ParoCivicoNacional es parcial. Hay muchos comercios abiertos. Manifiestan temor a la amenaza de la Alcaldía
— Oriana Faoro (@OrianaFaoro) July 20, 2017
The chavista-run Mayor’s office threatened businesses that joined the strike with revoking their commercial licenses, but still, many areas of the city were completely empty.
Alcaldía de Caroní sancionará a comerciantes que acaten llamado a paro. Alcalde @OviedoPSUV dijo que revocarán licencia de actividades pic.twitter.com/X1sAcuwGzg
— Alcaldía de Caroní (@AlcaldiaCaroni) July 18, 2017
At 6 pm there were still barricades spread throughout the city, specially all over the Av. Guarapiche and Atlántico. In Altavista, neigbours took to the streets banging empty pots:
Vecinos del edif Urimán 2 en la calle 3 de Alta Vista Sur se suman al #ParoCivicoActivo con cacerolas, pancartas y folletos. pic.twitter.com/Or4QjrSgy3
— Axel Gajardo (@AxelGajardo) July 20, 2017
¡ AHORA ! #20Jul / El Eje Atlántico no se rinde y sigue en Resistencia / #ParoCivico #Guayana Puerto Ordaz pic.twitter.com/yMQEfeknH9
— Watcher (@Watcher_Ven) July 20, 2017
There were also reports of armed paramilitary groups removing barricades in Isla Dorada, as reported by Carota Digital.
The day started with a heavy rain and snowy mountains in Mérida, some thought it would preempt people from coming out early and block streets. They were wrong. As early as 5:00 am, fireworks announcing the start of the national strike could be heard. Less than hour later most major roads in the city got blocked by hooded protesters.
Most streets and major roads around the city remained completely empty since dawn, and a sense un unease could be felt all around the city. During a quick round through some residential areas no cars were to be seen around, and WhatsApps cadenas of doubtful origin threatened to burn any car seen on the streets.
That’s Las Americas Avenue, the major road in town and hotspot of most protests during the last three months, completely empty at peak hour. People living in the area have set up information networks made up of motorizados constantly patrolling the area waiting for the GNB to come and alert nearby protesters.
The situation was the same in pretty much every street around the city.
Merideños acatan masivamente el paro nacional de este #20Jul https://t.co/nS4xIoShdZ pic.twitter.com/0utBTTDZhW
— Leonardo León (@leoperiodista) July 20, 2017
Viaducto Campo Elías de #Mérida..#20 jul..7am pic.twitter.com/xkeaVY4yj4
— Leonardo León (@leoperiodista) July 20, 2017
Se mantiene cierre del paso en avda Universidad..#Mérida. #20Jul pic.twitter.com/NnuVQ4kxpm
— Leonardo León (@leoperiodista) July 20, 2017
Plaza el llano #Mérida #ParoNacional #20jul pic.twitter.com/91llg9rxuG
— Informante_MRD (@informante_mrd) July 20, 2017
Av Universidad #Mérida #ParoNacional #20jul pic.twitter.com/iH3V1nxzQW
— Informante_MRD (@informante_mrd) July 20, 2017
Stores also seem to have taken the call to a Paro Cívico Nacional seriously, as the usually overcrowded downtown of the city looked more an Abastos Bicentenario shelf.
Comercio merideño totalmente cerrado..#Mérida. #20jul..#ParoCivicoActivo pic.twitter.com/dAEl2K1kZr
— Leonardo León (@leoperiodista) July 20, 2017
Even big supermarkets and malls mostly remained closed yesterday:
Clashes between some protesters and State forces were reported earlier in the morning around some residential areas, with some people denouncing that a group of protesters had been abducted by GNB officers who breached an apartment complex in Las Americas Avenue.
#Video enviado por vecinos cuando GNB ingresa y captura jóvenes en rcias Sta Barbara en horas de la mañana del #20Jul #Mérida pic.twitter.com/f7APn6jAQh
— Leonardo León (@leoperiodista) July 20, 2017
Another fight took place between protesters and Police officers in nearby city of Ejido, and ended with a PoliMerida officer shot in the neck in still unclear circumstances.
Enfrentamientos entre la Policías y manifestantes en centenario #Ejido #Mérida #20jul https://t.co/3CA6elrScF pic.twitter.com/r3FnIjGz79
— Informante_MRD (@informante_mrd) July 20, 2017
Confirman que funcionario de Poli #Mérida resultó herido(cuello) por arma de fuego en avda Centenario de Ejido ha sido trasladado al Iahula
— Leonardo León (@leoperiodista) July 20, 2017
At least 6 people have been reportedly detained in the city, 2 more were detained in the neighbouring town of San Rafael de Tabay, near the Páramo.
The strike was not only successful in the city of Mérida; but in most parts of the State, a confrontation between some protesters and PoliMérida units took place at 6:45 am in the small town of Santa Cruz de Mora, and a trash truck got hijacked in El Vigía as it tried to take its usual route.
The strike has been active all around Barquisimeto: East, West and Downtown. Public transportation has been absent from the streets and with the exception of the banks, most stores and shopping malls shut down for the day. Avenues and streets have been blocked:
#20Jul 9:00am – Así de solitaria está la av. Vargas -carr 16, 17 y18- de #BQTO #Lara. Fotos Cortesía @ReporteYa pic.twitter.com/oHg2qaik9N
— José Manuel Zaá (@zaajosem) July 20, 2017
#Lara Aspecto de la avenida más importante en el oeste de #Barquisimeto #20jul Av Florencio Jiménez 10:40am vía @danielantequera pic.twitter.com/EJqqUMjWLl
— El Informador Venezuela (@ElInformadorVE) July 20, 2017
8:40AM | Av. Ribereña Barquisimeto, recordamos que esta vía conecta los municipios Palavecino e Iribarren. #ParoCivicoActivo #ParoCívicoLara pic.twitter.com/WnnaI2wJ5t
— Alfredo Ramos (@AlfredoARamos) July 20, 2017
Barquisimeto ejemplo de #ParoCivicoActivo, esta radiografía de paralización contra la dictadura es en toda Venezuela. Video: cortesía pic.twitter.com/BdmnpTICOt
— Luis Florido (@LuisFlorido) July 20, 2017
Before noon yesterday, the zone known as El Cardenalito became a battleground between protesters and members of both the Lara State Police and National Guard. Heavy military presence was also noted in several parts of the city since early this morning.
#20Jul 12:50pm enfrentamientos en el #Cardenalito de #Barquisimeto @ReporteYa @ElNacionalWeb @AlbertoRavell pic.twitter.com/XNIrlZDD1v
— 🇻🇪 Argenis Gallardo 🇻🇪 (@argenisgallardo) July 20, 2017
#20Jul Reportan presencia de funcionarios policiales en la Av. Florencio Jiménez a la altura de Res. Las Doñas. Vía @Uninsensible pic.twitter.com/oGM5Niygrj
— LA PRENSA de Lara (@laprensalara) July 20, 2017
#LaraBajoAtaque #20Julio reportan asedio a urbanismos desde la madrugada (La Sucre, Metropolitano Javier, Cardenalito) #Barquisimeto pic.twitter.com/m5g7CydURv
— Funpaz (@Funpaz2013) July 20, 2017
There were reports of multiple detentions in Lara State, according to human rights NGOs Funpaz and Movimiento Vinotinto. Also, the Red Cross was present in the afternoon at El Cardenalito in order to tend to the over 80 wounded protesters. The repression continued until later in the evening, when a brief but intense battle took place near the Fundalara police station.
Many reported National Guard units breaking down gates of residential complexes in order to charge in and shoot tear gas into apartments.
#20Jul 1:44pm EN LARA: 26 personas detenidas; 6 heridos; un local saqueado y cierre total y parcial de vías #LaraBajoAtaque #ParoCivicoLara pic.twitter.com/SRQyfB806W
— Funpaz (@Funpaz2013) July 20, 2017
#20Jul 02:36pm | Confirman hasta ahora al menos 34 detenidos en Lara: 14 en el Tocuyo, 15 en Quibor y 5 en Barquisimeto @movinotinto
— El Periódico de Lara (@periodicodelara) July 20, 2017
Enfrentamientos entre cuerpos de seguridad y manifestantes en el Cardenalito del este habrían dejado varios heridos #20Jul #ParoCivicoActivo
— Movimiento Vinotinto (@movinotinto) July 20, 2017
Fuerte de represión en #Cardenalito con presencia de #CONAS Se solicitan médicos #Bqto #SOS #20J 1:15 pm pic.twitter.com/q5tW5qXiOn
— Alfonso Maldonado (@AlfonsoMaldonad) July 20, 2017
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