15 COVID-19 Patients Died at A Miranda Hospital After Blackout

The Organización Nacional de Trasplantes de Venezuela estimates that 960 people haven’t been able to get transplants in Venezuela since 2017. 150 of those are children and teenagers. 

  • Delcy Rodríguez asked the UNCTAD to evaluate the impact of sanctions. She demanded that “the macroeconomic impact of sanctions be quantified and analyzed because according to her, the sanctions have caused Venezuela to lose “over 63,000 million dollars.” She said the IMF “refuses to hand over the 5,000 million dollars that are rightfully ours.” 
  • The director of the women’s Vinotinto, Pamela Conti, expressed her support for 24 players who denounced former coach Kenneth Zseremet for sexual harassment and psychological and sexual abuse. Magdymar León, the coordinator of AVESA, assured that institutions shouldn’t tolerate sexual harassment and abuse and that the concept of sexual abuse in Venezuelan law is broad: “It’s the use of power to have a sexual contact with the victim.” 
  • CNE board member Roberto Picón confirmed that Carter Center will be an observer in the electoral drill on October 10th. 
  • EU deputy and head of the electoral observer mission Isabel Santos said the mission is independent, neutral and impartial and that there’s an agreement signed by the CNE guaranteeing all conditions. 
  • A group of eurodeputies asked Josep Borrell to publish the report made by the exploratory mission in July. 
  • Sumate denounced the CNE violated the equality principle when they established a double criteria for observers in the November election. 
  • Dr. Julio Castro explained that the increase of cases might be the start of the third wave of the pandemic in Venezuela. He emphasized that the vaccine protects against death, not against infection. 

According to the PAHO, 20.84% of Venezuelans have been fully vaccinated. The regime says over 50% of the population has been vaccinated. 

  • 15 people with COVID-19 died at a hospital in Miranda on Monday after a blackout and failure of the backup electricity generator reported Monitor Salud. 
  • The Organización Nacional de Salvamento y Seguridad Marítima presented a report on areas of risk for Venezuelan ships, where there are kidnappings, human trafficking and pirates. 
  • Union leaders of industries in Guayana presented a list of violations by the regime against workers and members of unions, including threats, arbitrary termination, forced retirement and detentions. No Venezuelan institutions take these cases so they the ILO and UN for answers.
  • Colombia deployed 14,000 officers to control the border in Cúcuta. The PSUV candidate for Táchira governor, Freddy Bernal, said that they agreed the border would reopen on Friday. 
  • In the event to commemorate 200 years of the Cúcuta Constitution, Juan Guaidó was the speaker for Venezuela.
  • Economist Luis Arturo Bárcenas rejected the BCV’s “desperate measures” to “alleviate the increase of the dollar (because of the uncertainty with the currency redenomination) at the expense of international reserve.” 
  • Two  CICPC officers were murdered in Miranda, Eduardo Henriquez and Joel Amador. They were trying to arrest criminals who had installed a fake checkpoint and were dressed as cops on the road to Barlovento.
  • Ismael León, from the comptrollership commission, revealed the names of politicians allegedly involved in the corruption case in Monómeros: Henry Ramos Allup, Leopoldo López, Julio Borges and Manuel Rosales. 
  • U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Colombian vice president Marta Lucia Ramírez talked about Venezuela and the support they provide to the Venezuelan people who are working to restore democracy in their country. Alongside Spain, the U.S. also ratified their commitment to restoring democracy in Venezuela. 
  • Foreign minister Félix Plasencia said that Yvan Gil was appointed charge d’affaires to the EU, after Rafael Dochao Moreno was appointed to Venezuela. 
  • The Chilean Chamber of Deputies approved to question Interior minister Rodrigo Delgado on the migrant and refugee crisis in northern Chile. 

Naky Soto

Naky gets called Naibet at home and at the bank. She coordinates training programs for an NGO. She collects moments and turns them into words. She has more stories than freckles.