The oracle speaks...

…other pundits I read, but Teodoro Petkoff I follow. Teodoro is more than an analyst. He is a consistent voice for reason, principle and good sense in a political atmosphere where these qualities are sadly too rare.

So today, when he uses his TalCual editorial to warn CNE head Francisco Carrasquero to look again into Zamora’s allegations of irregularities inside CNE, I sit up and take notice.

As Teodoro reminds us, TalCual has editorialized in favor of CNE 35 times over the last few months. His comments are not those of a wrecker. They’re those of a principled observer, concerned by consistent reports of irregularities. Teodoro understands that CNE needs to take action on these allegations to preserve its own credibility.

Teodoro Petkoff speaks with a moral authority few in Venezuela command. We can only expect his views are taken seriously for once.

Nag: those of you who read Spanish and have not done so really ought to consider subscribing to TalCual. Top notch reporting, enlightened editorializing…the paper is in a league of its own. They really need readers’ support to keep publishing.