President Chavez renewed his readiness to carry out any role to be asked by the Leader of the Revolution

From the stuff I couldn’t make up if I wanted to department:

President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, the Gaddafi Human Rights Prize Laureate, expressed his profound appreciation to the Leader of the Revolution, renewing his invitation to visit Venezuela and Latin American.

This came during his reception of the Secretary of Co-operation at the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Co-operation in Valparaiso City in Chile at the sideline of the inauguration of President Michelle Bachelet as a President of Chile.

President Chavez underlined the importance that the leader devoutes some of his time to the Latin America continent which peoples he said had all respect and gratitude to the Leader Mu’ammer al-Gathafi.

President Chavez renewed his readiness to carry out any role to be asked by the Leader of the Revolution, pointing out that Latin America began speeding up towards the realization of its peoples’ aspirations and hopes for unity and integration.

President of Venezuela conveyed during the audience through the Secretary his greetings and appreciation to the Leader.