Readers who write

Just a quick shout-out to two books from long-time readers of this blog.

Vicente Ulive-Schnell is the author of “Yo maté a Simón Bolívar.” I haven’t read it, but no, it doesn’t appear to be based on the forthcoming forensic report of the great man’s bones. Rather, it’s a novel based on the events of the April 11th, 2002 coup against Hugo Chávez.

The book is available in electronic form, thanks to our friends (also readers of this blog) at MASA Editorial, who have accumulated an interesting portfolio of classics in Spanish. I believe they are one of the few publishers putting out e-books in our language.

A.A. Alvarez is a Venezuelan expatriate living in Australia. He recently sent me a copy of his new novel, “v2036,” an interesting peek into a possible future without Hugo Chávez. All fiction, of course.

So, de panas y todo, cough up a few bucks and help support your fellow blog readers and writers.