The INE Household Survey: Have It!

So, our volunteer-led effort to pave the way for a Conditional Cash Transfer program for Venezuela is really getting going now. It’s exciting!

Yesterday, courtesy of some amazing volunteers, we got our hands on the latest version (1st Half of 2010) of INE’s Household Survey in Stata format. This, I think, will be the main – though not the only – dataset we’ll need to model the likely effects of different kinds of CCTs in Venezuela. You can download it here.

We also had our first Skype Conference call last night: a 6 city, 3-continent extravaganza sprinkled with technical detail, heated ideological disputes and background ping pong.

We want to bring an Open Source sensibility to the project: there’s no point in being secretive or exclusive. So anyone can look over our work. And anyone willing to put in an hour or two a week can join the GoogleGroup we’re using to coordinate the work.

If this sort of thing sounds like your idea of a good time, why not join the team?

All you have to do is fill out this Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet and then accept our GoogleGroup Invitation. Takes three minutes.