A new benchmark for development, ctd.

A reader agrees with JC that Chile is getting closer to be a developed country:

“I can speak from experience… What I have seen throughout my many visits to Chile is that institutions work quite well. I had to be paid by the university there during my sabbatical. To be paid I needed an ID card (cedula). Didn’t have one. No problem. Apply for a worker’s visa. I went downtown and in a matter of an hour I had a working permit while my visa was being processed. Did I have to bribe anyone to expedite anything? Absolutely not. Two months later, my visa was granted and I was given my cedula (guess I am a Chilean resident now).”

“Of course, Chile is the poster child for economic freedom in Latin America, but I would argue that this a necessary, but not sufficient condition for development. Without institutionality and the rule of law, no amount of economic activity or Koala bear diaper-changing stations will feel like development.”

Another thinks that what JC considers a benchmark is counterproductive:

“Imagine that the government creates the Mision”Los Padres también cambian pañales” and every public restroom has the Koala Changing Table in two years. That makes us a developed country then? No. It gets us closer to be one? No.

“…I personally believe that every country must have a set of different benchmarks, according to the level of income and that is more related to levels of quality and sustainbility than access”.