Gregory Sanabria Wounded in El Helicoide, Other Political Prisoners Revolt
In today’s shocking plot-twist, the SEBIN’s infamous dungeon has been taken over by its political prisoners. The image isn’t quite clear yet, but we present you what we know.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Today in the afternoon, prominent opposition leaders like María Corina Machado, Antonio Ledezma, Richard Blanco and Delsa Solórzano took to Twitter to decry how political prisoners in El Helicoide, SEBIN’s infamous dungeon for political prisoners, were wounded and tortured by ordinary inmates.
#Urgente situación irregular en el Sebin – Helicoide. Hay denuncias de que presuntamente hay presos políticos heridos. Responsabilizamos a González López de la integridad física de los #PresosPoliticos
— Delsa Solorzano (@delsasolorzano) May 16, 2018
La mamá d @LORENT_SALEH está en El Helicoide,sin comunicación;me pide q envíe esto: "Por favor no nos dejen solos,en el Helicoide está pasando una situación irregular,funcionarios d SEBIN están torturando a los presos políticos HAY HERIDOS.Pedimos a @TarekWiliamSaab q responda
— María Corina Machado (@MariaCorinaYA) May 16, 2018
The light was eventually cut off at El Helicoide, but a prisoner was able to contact his family and declare to Efecto Cocuyo: “The prisoners are afraid that this situation will continue inside the prison, because afterwards they’ll be unable to communicate what goes on inside SEBIN.”
At approximately 3:00 p.m., ambulances and GNB officers entered the premises. Two helicopters were also flying over the area.
Political prisoners made several concise demands:
- Immediate release for those prisoners with court mandated liberation;
- Court hearings for every political prisoner;
- Prisoners who are ill must be taken to hospitals;
- Visiting rights must be respected;
- Extortion must end;
- Underage prisoners must be freed;
- Political prisoners must be separated from ordinary inmates.
Efecto Cocuyo reports that the spark that lit the fire was when officers left a cell door open and ordinary prisoners attacked Gregory Sanabria, UNIMET student held since 2014. This is how Sanabria looks now:
#URGENTE #16May Reportan que Gregory Sanabria y otros detenidos en el SEBIN Helicoide están siendo torturados por efectivos policiales #InformaciónEnDesarrollo
— VPItv (@VPITV) May 16, 2018
These videos of political prisoners Daniel Ceballos, General Ángel Vivas and Lorent Saleh, among others, surfaced on social media in the afternoon:
#Venezuela URGENTE desde El Helicoide. Presos politicos @Daniel_Ceballos @LORENT_SALEH denuncian Torturas y maltratos. Hay Heridos. Les han echado bombas lacrimogenas. Piden intervencion de la Fiscalia. Esta llegando la GNB. 👇
— Tamara Suju (@TAMARA_SUJU) May 16, 2018
[VIDEO] Nuevo mensaje de los presos políticos amotinados en el Sebin El Helicoide: "Esto está tomado pacíficamente por todos los presos que a diario son torturados".
— NTN24 Venezuela (@NTN24ve) May 16, 2018
Denuncia de Gregori Sanabria desde El Helicoide.
— Andrés Pastrana A (@AndresPastrana_) May 16, 2018
Joshua Holt, an American citizen and mormon missionary, has been held in El Helicoide for two years, under terrorism charges. According to Joshua Goodman of AP, Holt’s trial on weapons charges was scheduled to start Tuesday, May 15th, but he and his wife, Thamara Caleno, were never taken to court.
Today, he released this video…
…and the U.S. Embassy expressed its concern:
Estamos muy preocupados por el motín en El Helicoide. Joshua Holt y otros ciudadanos estadounidenses están en peligro. El gobierno de Venezuela es directamente responsable por su seguridad y le haremos responsables si algo les sucede.
— Embajada Virtual de los EE.UU., Venezuela (@usembassyve) May 16, 2018
Venezuelan journalist Dereck Blanco, also reported:
#ÚLTIMOMINUTO Encargado de Negocios de @usembassyve Todd Robinson, estará en 10 minutos en la Cancillería General de la República para reunirse con Jorge Arreaza, tras filtrarse video de preso político norteamericano en El Helicóide, Josh Holt
— Dereck Blanco (@Dereckb) May 16, 2018
At 7:00 p.m., Todd Robinson, chargé d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy, was still in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, getting nothing but silence from the Venezuelan government.
After the prisoners demanded the presence of competent institutions to guarantee their safety, a delegation from the Prosecutor’s Office was denied entry:
DATO Sebin no permitió la entrada de comisión de fiscales del Ministerio Públicoque acudió a verificar la situación en Helicoide. Llegaron en moto.
— Javier I. Mayorca (@javiermayorca) May 17, 2018
It’ll take days before we can figure out what’s really happening, but we’ll be on alert as to what’s next in this rather odd turn of events.
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