Russian Joropo, Kиска Mатери

Pueblo People talks Ukraine and Putin fever. Join the broadcast at 8:00 Pm EST, the live chat should be fun

If you were betting that Maduro was going to be among the first to back Putin in his invasion of Ukraine, then you probably didn’t earn much. The odds weren’t against you. But hey, congrats anyway. The Venezuelan president did as expected, and backed Putin. Just like Trump, who did as expected and praised the Russian president. But here’s one of the things that gets confusing: don’t think about Trump and Maduro, both of whom have reasons to side with Vlad, but we’re seeing folks, both left and right, justifying that madman. It’s as if “politically unhinged” were one more dimension of the political spectrum.

Tag along to the Pueblo People live broadcast at 8:00 p.m. EST tonight (or watch it later) and participate in the live chat:

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