El Feed

City of Blinding Lights

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Key Primary Candidate registrations this week

In the final week to register to run in the opposition primaries, here’s the candidate registration calendar:

  • Tuesday: Andrés Velásquez
  • Wednesday: César Pérez Vivas
  • Thursday: Delsa Solórzano
  • Friday: Freddy Superlano, Andrés Caleca, Carlos Prosperi, and María Corina Machado

If you live abroad, here’s where you can sign up to vote in the primaries: https://primariaexteriorve.com/

While we’re proud of this meme, the nightmare is real. Thanks to the mayor of Chacao, now the neighbors have a huge LED screen instead of the view of El Avila in one of its main motorways. Bonus points: provides night entertainment.

For some reason the mayors of the Caracas municipalities have double downed on an anti citizen campaign.

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