El Feed

It's a Debate!

First political debate in 12 years, if we’re not mistaken (and if we are, surely someone will correct us in the comments). We may update El Feed throughout the day so check back.

MCM’s Starting to Build an Epic

For now, it seems that María Corina is the candidate that’s taking the primaries more seriously.

Opposition Primary Debate

On June 6th we’ll have a chance to see the first political debate since 2012—when the last primary was held. Nuestro Luis Carlos Díaz will be the moderator.

Carlos Andrés Pérez, Felipe González, Daniel Ortega, Rafael Leonardo Callejas and Óscar Arias travel to Chile for Patricio Aylwin’s inauguration, March 1990

The Alacranato May Skip the Primaries

Per a Tal Cual scoop, Fuerza Vecinal (Maduro’s favorite opposition party) may be skipping the primaries. Remember that, during the regional elections, a faction of the opposition created a new party that took over posh neighborhoods across the country, and helped divide the vote in some critical battlegrounds.

A Medias interviewed Ana Aguilera, migration expert extraordinaire (and recipient of the Rising Star award from the Harris School of Public Policy)

Pueblo People

Straight from EL DORAL
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