The red canonization continues

hThe Maternity & Children’s Hospital in the Western Caracas neighborhood of El Valle (seen in the picture left) is set to finally be opened to the public after 23 years in construction (14 of them under current management).

If they followed the old custom and named it after the leader who started the job, they’d call it the Maternidad Carlos Andres Pérez Rodríguez Hospital. Ermm…no chance of that.

Can you guess the new name they’ve when it opens? Yup: Comandante Supremo Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías.

Take a deep breath. We better get used to this sort of thing. By the time the dust settles, the list of stuff named after Pajarito is going to rival Bolívar’s.

Maybe it will be a task for the new Presidential Commission specially created to look out for the comandante supremo’s “legacy”. In a curious form of posthumous nepotism, it includes two members of his family: his brother Adan (Barinas State Governor) and daughter Rosa Virginia (wife of VP Jorge Arreaza and new member of the commision in charge of the Bolivarian Museums System).

The religious transformation of the late comandante presidente continues undiminished. Foreign readers may think we’re exaggerating, but chavismo is quite literally transforming from a cult of personality into just a cult.