The Taking of Cota Nine-Zero-Five

CJzRvBLWwAA2GE9.jpg largeThe Cota 905 area in western Caracas is a “peace zone” no more.

Authorities launched a large-scale operation earlier today, including lots of National Police agents, National Guard soldiers and armored vehicles and SWAT teams from both the Criminal Investigations Police (CICPC) and the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (SEBIN). The raid is part of the larger “People’s Liberation and Protection Operation”. Catchy…

During the raid, 14 alleged members of several criminal gangs were killed and 20 stolen vehicles were recovered. According to Interior and Justice Minister Gustavo González López, 134 people have been detained and that at least 32 of them “…are foreigners with links to paramilitary groups”. #AhOk

The situation inside the Cota 905 has been tense for some time. Last week, three criminals were killed there by CICPC agents. But with killings still on the rise, police casualties reaching 11 per month in the capital and even the Interior Vice-Minister’s motorcade recently attacked, the government had little choice but to make a huge show of force.

Is this the admission of defeat for the “peace zone” plan? Both the expert Father Alejandro Moreno and Criminologist Fermín Mármol García think so. But Chavismo doesn’t share that view, saying instead: “Blame it on the paras!“.
