There Must be 222 Ways to Leave Your Skin Behind at Amuay

Roger Gregory is not fucking around.

Thanks to the miracle that is this leak, we now know that a report dated May this year by RJG Risk Engineering’s Roger Gregory noted there were 222 accidents of various types at the CRP last year, including around 100 fires and nine “Notable Incidents”. Out of the 222 incidents, 173 were never actually investigated at all.

Note that, following the May 24th, 2011 explosion at a 77,000 b/d furnace in Cardon (page 16), inspectors urged “Alarm rationalization for the whole of the refining complex.” Did that ever happen?

And following the jet fuel fire at Cardon’s Jetty 1 in September 2011, when they noted that there was no clear marking at the site of which hoses had been recently inspected and which had not, they were provided inspection reports, but those reports had no date on them!

There’s plenty more where that came from. Check it out.