Assad and Maduro, still BFFs

October 2009: Then Foreign Minister Nicolás Maduro meets with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus
October 2009: Then Foreign Minister Nicolás Maduro met with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus

In its last meeting, the UN Human Rights Council voted to extend the probe of the ongoing Syrian civil war until next year.

The resolution was approved by 41 votes to 1, with five countries abstaining: Ecuador, India, Kazakhstan, Philippines and Uganda.

The only vote against continuing the HRC’s investigation (led by Brazilian diplomat Paulo Pinheiro) came from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

To justify its vote, the Venezuelan delegation insisted that there’s a “…continued and sustained international media campaign destined to demonize the efforts of the Syrian government, based on manipulating the information about what happens in Syria…”.

What else did you expect? That seat in Geneva isn’t about protecting human rights, it’s about having the back of “allies” like Syria and North Korea (which we also helped during the same meeting). Maduro’s foreign policy will be just like Chavez’s. After all, his previous job was all about implementing it.